The general meeting is the supreme body of Eqva ASA
The board strives to enable as many shareholders as possible to exercise their rights by participating at the company's general meetings, and make the general meeting an effective meeting place for shareholders and the board, among other things by ensuring that:
The board of directors and the auditor are present at the general meeting.
All shareholders registered in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS) receive notice of the general meeting, and are entitled to submit proposals and vote directly or by proxy. A proxy form is prepared and sent out together with the notice of the general meeting.
The company's Articles of Association allow for documents to be considered at the general meeting to be made available on the Company's website instead of being distributed with the notice of meeting. This also applies to documents that by law shall be included in or enclosed with the notice of the general meeting. Shareholders can nonetheless ask to have them sent. Case documents will also be published on
The general meeting shall approve the annual accounts, allocate profit/adopt coverage of loss, and consider other matters that are, by law or the company's Articles of Association, the business of the general meeting.
The company's Articles of Association do not contain any special provisions concerning who should chair the company's general meeting. In line with the provisions of the Public Limited Liability Companies Act, the general meeting is opened by the chair of the board, and the chair of the meeting is then elected by the general meeting.
The minutes of the general meeting are published in a stock exchange statement and made available on the company's website
Time: 27 June 2024 at 10:00 (CET).
Minutes of annual general meeting 2024 - Eqva ASA.pdf
Notice of annual general meeting 2024 - Eqva ASA. (w_attachments).
Nomination committee's recommendation. NO
RE ITEM 2 - Annual Report 2023.pdf
RE ITEM 3 - Representert_NO
RE ITEM 4 - Represented_ENG
RE ITEM 5 - Protokoll for generalforsamling_Eqva ASA_2024
RE ITEM 6 - Protocol Annual Assembly_Eqva ASA_2024
RE ITEM 7 - Møteliste_NO
RE ITEM 8 - Attendance list_EN
Time: 02 May 2024 at 10:00 (CET)
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Eqva ASA
Minutes of an Extraordinary General Meeting of EQVA ASA
Attachment 2 - Deadlineforregistration of attendance, advance votes, proxy orinstructions. NO
Attachment 3 - Deadlineforregistration of attendance, advance votes, proxy orinstructions. EN
Time: 14 November 2022 at 13:00 (CET).
Notice of extraordinary general meeting - Havyard Group ASA.pdf
Signert_14.11.2022_Protokoll EGF_Eqva ASA _signeringsversjon_ - signaturside.pdf
Time: 24 October 2022 at 13:00 (CET).
Notice of extraordinary general meeting - Havyard Group ASA.pdf
Time: 13 June 2022 at 14:00 (CET).
Notice of extraordinary general meeting - Havyard Group ASA.pdf
Attachment 2 - Auditor's statement.PDF
RE ITEM 8 - Nomination Committee Proposals.pdf
Attachment 3 - Voting instructions _updated_.pdf
Protokoll for ekstraordinær generalforsamling 13. juni 2022 - Havayrd Group ASA.pdf
Time: 30 May 2022, 14:00 CET
Minutes of annual general meeting 2022 - Havyard Group ASA.pdf
Attendance details Havyard 300522.pdf
Notice of annual general meeting 2022 - Havyard Group ASA
RE ITEM 4 - Corporate Governance
RE ITEM 5 and 6 - Nomination Committee Proposals.pdf
RE ITEM 7 - Remuneration for Executive Personnel.pdf
RE ITEM 8 - Auditor Fee.pdf
RE ITEM 9 - Remuneration Report.pdf
LUMI Online Guide - Havyard Group ASA_norsk_06.05.2022.pdf
LUMI Online Guide - Havyard Group ASA _english_06.05.2022.pdf
Shareholders who wish to participate in the Meeting register here:
The shareholders may exercise their voting rights at the Meeting by voting in advance: