Sustainability in Eqva

In an era of increasing environmental concerns and social responsibilities, our commitment to sustainability is more critical than ever.

At Eqva, sustainability is at the core of our operations. We will remain committed to achieving our sustainability goals and maintaining transparency in our reporting with reference to the GRI Standards. Through our actions and initiatives, we aim to make a positive and lasting impact on the industrial service companies in our group, our employees, value chains, local communities, and the world at large.


Statement on Equality and Discrimination

EQVA ASA (the "Company") works for equality and against discrimination based on gender, pregnancy, leave for birth or adoption, caregiving responsibilities, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, as well as combinations of these grounds.

The Company aims to be a workplace with full equality between women and men, where equality and non-discrimination are integrated into the company's principles, procedures, and standards.

The following statement is prepared in accordance with Section 26 a of the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act:

(Report only in Norwegian) Redegjørelse for likestilling og mot diskriminering - 2023

Sustainability Governance

Eqva ASA shall have a good reputation for credibility around the world, achieved by consistently conducting its business with integrity and in accordance with the acts and regulations that apply to the group's activities.

Members of the board of directors and employees shall act in a fair and honest manner and demonstrate integrity in all their dealings with other employees, business associates and clients, the general public, the business community, shareholders, suppliers, competitors and public authorities. Eqva ASA core values and commitment to sustainable development shall be reflected, promoted and implemented through guidelines, decisions and actions.

The group’s guidelines “Code of Conduct for Business, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility”, “Anti-corruption Program” and "Suppliers Code of Conduct" are available below.

Code of Conduct
Suppliers Code of Conduct

Anti-corruption Program:

Reporting of concerns (Integrity Channel)

Eqva ASA believes that openness and good communication throughout the organization promotes a better work culture. Eqva acknowledges the risk of violations of the Code of Conduct, and depends on the willingness of employees and external parties to raise concerns in order to uphold high ethical standards.

Reporting of concerns (whistleblowing) is to report possible illegal, or suspected illegal, actions and violations of Eqva’s Code of Conduct. Examples of violations include, but are not limited to: fraud and corruption, harassment and discrimination, and violations of environmental and human rights laws.

It is the employees' right to report concerning matters in the workplace, according to the Working Environment Act § 2A-1. This also applies to external parties, including employees of associated companies.

The whistleblower decides what information to be provided. There is no requirement that the whistleblower must be able to prove the event, act or omission. However, to allow Eqva ASA to perform adequate follow-up actions, the report should include as much detail as possible and, if available, supporting evidence.

Reports of concerns can be made to Eqva’s Integrity Channel, managed by the CFO of Eqva and HR Manager of BKS Holding. The Integrity Channel offers the whistleblower the possibility of reporting anonymously. 

Please click here to report a concern:

It is of utmost importance for Eqva ASA to ensure predictability and confidence for all those who raise a concern.

Eqva’s core principles for handling reports of concerns are:
• Fair and objective process
• Protection of the whistleblower against retaliation
• Protection of the legal rights of the individual who is the subject of the report 
• Confidentiality
• Protection of sources
• Protection of personal data